jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2017

Some images for use in class activities and assessment

Visual aids form a very important part of the scaffolding we give our students as they learn. I will use the same or similar images in the final assessment.

Our textbook comes with a set of flashcards with the key vocabulary (pictures and also word cards for each key word) as well as a variety of additional, smaller cards with different pictures that can be used for sorting, manipulating, etc. These additional cards represent words that are used while carrying out class activities but which students are not expected to learn for asssessment purposes.

I have collected these additional images to help demonstrate the key concepts, as these are not included in our method. I will also use these images on the written exam.

To work on raw vs. cooked foods:

To work on "It goes in the fridge" and "It goes in the cupboard":


To work on different times of day for the different meals:

To work on the traffic light idea for classifying foods we should eat daily, sometimes, and not often:

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